NYSCA Proceedings 2013 Calls for Papers

The Editor of the NYSCA Proceedings issues the following Calls for Papers:
Please note that there are TWO (2) calls this year for the NYSCA Proceedings.
CFP #1:

Research papers presented at the 71st Annual Conference (2013) of the 

New York State Communication Association: Communities of Communicative Practice
are being accepted for blind peer review for the conference Proceedings beginning immediately after the conference.
We urge you to contribute your work.
CFP #2: 
As we are coming up to our 75th anniversary, we wish to create a retrospective edition of work presented at our annual conferences. We invite those who have presented in the past but perhaps did not submit that work for publication in the Proceedings, to share that work with us in this special edition.
Please indicate in the running head AND under the Title of the paper, the year in which it was presented.
Deadline for submissions to both the 2013 Conference and the Retrospective Edition: March 1, 2014.
Submissions to both editions of the Proceedings, 2013 conference and the retrospective edition, will be blind peer reviewed. 
Papers fall into three categories:
  • Standard papers (blind peer reviewed)
  • Undergraduate papers (blind peer reviewed)
  • GIFT presentations (non-refereed)
To submit a paper, please upload a digital copy of your manuscript, no longer than 25 pages, including tables and figures, to http://www.nyscaproceedings.org/.
  • Authors must register at the proceedings site as “Author.”
  • Manuscripts must conform to the APA – Publication Manual of the American Psychological Association (6th ed., 2010).
  • All identifying information must be purged from the manuscript before submission in order to insure a blind peer review.
  • Authors are responsible for obtaining permission to reprint copyrighted material.
  • Formatting requirements are posted at the site on the Submissions page
  • Manuscripts must be uploaded by March 1, 2014.
  • Authors will receive an email confirmation from the website upon successful submission of their paper.
  • The website is built using the BePress platform and is housed at Roger Williams University Library.
  • Please contact Roxanne O’Connell, Roger Williams University [roconnell@rwu.edu ] if you experience any problems with the Proceedings site or have any questions.
At the same time that we are collecting these works for publication, we will also be publishing, on the NYSCA Proceedings site, proceedings that have, until now, resided only a paper. The digitizing of past proceedings is being undertaken by the archive staff of Roger Williams University and should be completed some time this year. The curating of these documents and other NYSCA documentation will hopefully be completed by our 75th anniversary conference.
Thank you all in advance,
Roxanne O’Connell
Editor, NYSCA Proceedings
Cheryl Casey
Assistant Editor, NYSCA Proceedings Retrospective