Call for Proceedings: 73rd annual conference
Research papers presented at the 73rd annual conference of the New York State Communication Association in 2015 are now being accepted for publication in the conference Proceedings. Deadline: March 1, 2016.
o Papers are blind peer-reviewed* with the exception of keynote addresses and GIFT panel submissions.
o Award-winning papers, having been already selected for presentation at the conference through a blind-review process, do not undergo a second review but are published in the Proceedings as part of the award.
o Only papers presented at the 2015 conference will be considered for publication in this volume. TO SUBMIT A PAPER:
Please upload a digital copy of your manuscript, no longer than 25 pages, including tables and figures, to
- Authors must register on the proceedings site as “Author.”
- Manuscripts must conform to the APA – Publication Manual of the AmericanPsychological Association (6th ed., 2010).
- All identifying information must be purged from the manuscript before submission in order to insure a blind review.
- Authors are responsible for obtaining permission to reprint copyrighted material.
- Formatting requirements are posted at the site on the Submissions page
- Manuscripts must be uploaded by March 1, 2016.
- Authors will receive an email confirmation from the website upon successful submission of theirpaper.
- The website is built using the BePress platform and is housed at Roger Williams UniversityLibrary.
- Please contact Cheryl Casey (Editor) [] or Roxanne O’Connell (AssistantEditor) [ ] if you experience any problems with the Proceedings site or have any questions.